Small Groups are where our big Parish gets small, where you can get to know others and be known, grow in faith, where you can be cared for and care for others.


We can group our Parish Small Groups under three categories:

         (B) Bible Study

 (P) Prayer

(S) Social


To join a Small Group, just look through the list and give the Church Office a call to find out more information and then attend the group. You are encouraged to attend a few groups to find one that fits for you.


No worries. We all get that some groups will be better shaped for who we are and others not so much. There is no pressure to keep attending a group and you are more than welcome to check out different groups to find the right fit.


Awesome! Please think about what kind of group you would like to start and contact the office via email to set up a time to discuss.

Please note there is an application and approval process.

Take a look below at the variety of groups we have at Gold Coast North Anglican.

St James Small Groups

41 Brighton Street, Biggera Waters

  • Mondays @ 1:30pm - 3:00pm at St James’ Church hall.

    Group discussions, bible readings, care and support.

  • Mondays @ 6:55pm - 8:30pm.

    Group starts with coffee, chat and prayer with the social aspect being a very important aspect of this group. Focus is as much on prayer as it is Bible study. Study material sourced online.

  • Tuesdays @ 1:00pm - 3:00pm at St James’ Church hall.

    This group undertakes bible based and themed studies combined with craft activities. Pastoral care is provided as well as the study, talk and prayer time.

  • Fridays @ 9:30am - 11:30am at St James’ Church hall.

    This group has been meeting for over a decade, and over the past few years has been holding craft stalls with funds being distributed to various organisations. This past year we have supported Bush Ministry (Mitchell Parish) Bush Church Aid, PATSIMAC, and knitted/crocheted donations going to Mental Health Unit at Robina, Seaman’s Mission, Domestic Violence recipients through SPACC and Premmie babies at RBWH. Pastoral Care is an integral part of this group.

  • Meeting held as required.

    A group to support those in our Parish who have lost their spouse or partner.

St Matthew's

142 Billinghurst Crescent, Upper Coomera

  • St Matthew's Meeting Room, 9:15am during State School Terms. It resumes on Monday 8th July with a new topic - "God Shaped Church", studies from 1 Timothy. Come to enjoy learning what God is saying to us, and rich fellowship and prayer.

  • First Wednesday of the month @ 7:00pm - 8:30pm in St Matthew’s.

    We pray for our Parish and surrounding communities asking for God’s leading in presenting the gospel.

  • Every second Tuesday @ 9:00am - 12:00pm in St Matthew’s.

    We chat, eat, do our own thing and knit or crochet rugs and things for the homeless people in the Gold Coast especially those known to St John’s Crisis Care. We welcome visitors and are happy to have non church goers amongst our number.

  • Via email and home visits.

    In response to personal requests and updates circulated by email in confidence, we pray in our own time for people in need of help and healing; provide practical help within our available resources, and gather monthly over a shared meal to review outcomes and support and encourage each other in companionship.

  • 2nd Monday of the month @ 7:00pm - 8:30pm at The Wattle Hotel, Upper Coomera

    Social group, meeting of men to form relationships. For retired members and older members of St Matthew’s.

  • May run each year. Will be advertised in E-News.

Holy Rood

192 Tamborine-Oxenford Road, Oxenford

  • Prayer requests are passed electronically between members. Note: this group is small.

  • 3rd, 4th & 5th Wednesdays of the month @ 9:30am - 12:30pm at Holy Rood Family Centre.

    Craft and conversation, and missional work through providing goods.

  • Tuesdays Fortnightly @ 10:00am at Hope Island Deli

    A group of men in the community to meet casually between Holy Rood Men’s breakfasts [every six weeks] for good coffee, food, for company and conversation. An opportunity for men to meet other men; to talk about life and faith; to know other men with whom they may wish to talk about any problems they may have; and to encourage each other on their journey.

  • Every 6 weeks on Saturdays @ 7:00am - 9:00am.

    A social gathering, cooked breakfast for $5 and a guest speaker.

  • May run each year. Will be advertised in E-News unless group is full.

whole parish

Anyone from any of our three Churches is welcome to join.

  • Mondays @ 9:15am - 11:00am at St Matthew’s and Zoom.

    This group undertakes studies on a particular book of the bible prepared by EV Church. People from all centres attend to learn what God is saying through his word and to learn more about Jesus. There is prayer and mutual encouragement.

  • 4th Thursday of the Month @ 12:00pm - 2:00pm at St James’ Hall.

    The Anglican Mothers Union of Australia has been running for over a decade at St James. This group has a planned program for the year including speakers, Quiet Days, and excursions.

  • PATSIMAC - Prayer for Aboriginal & TSI Ministry & Concerns

    3rd Thursday of the month @ 1:30pm - 2:30pm

    PATSIMAC is a small group of people who gather to pray monthly for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ministry and Concerns. It was formed after the Apology was made in 2008. Our group is focused on social justice and raising awareness of issues facing our Indigenous brothers and sisters. Our actions support Aunty Jean Philip’s ministry and more recently Faith Green’s work in the Logan area.

  • Thursdays @ 7:00am - 7:45am on Zoom.

    An early morning prayer session for the Parish and beyond.

  • Last Sunday of the month after 8:30am service at St James’ Hall.

    Follows the prayers and studies for Cursillo. Members pray for each other, discuss monthly activities and sing.